Things I have loved in life:
Things I have touched.
Creating and designing my jumpsuit was a memorable experience that can only happen once in my lifetime. I spent numerous hours hovering over my suit, making sure that ever single rhine stone and ounce of puffy paint was positioned perfectly. Touching was the main sense I used while constructing this suit which I have actually declared a master piece due to the ornate details I added to every square inch of it. I had eagerly awaited the moment to claim a pride suit since I was a freshmen and it came faster than I expected. Before I knew it, I was retiring my suit after wearing it every friday for three months during football season. The aspect that I loved the most about my special jump suit was the actual creating process with my closest friends. I spent three weeks with the same 5 girls as we brainstormed, designed, and bonded. These jumpsuits brought my friends and myself closer together and I will never forget the memories that were made with our "Pride" suits. Go Lions!
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