Courage over fear..
What would happen if everyone lived each day like it was their last day on earth? Would anyone actually go to work? Would anyone have their feelings hurt? Would anyone be able to really hold onto bitterness? Would relationships be mended? Would lives be changed? Would anyone let fear stop them from going after their dreams?
I think about this a lot and it always twists me. I feel as if I get caught up in the petty and the irrelevant and lose sight of the big picture.
If I thought today was to be my last day, I would finish strong! I know that is for sure, because I couldn’t leave this place knowing that I had made it all about me, when my real purpose was to be a light to others and live out the good news.
If I were to wake up each morning and be reminded of the very real possibility of ‘this could be my last day here’, I can’t imagine all of the living and loving and experiencing that will happen in a lifetime!
To live each day fully, with purpose and with abandon takes courage. There is no room for fear in this type of living because fear wants us to do the exact opposite of living.
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